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RaeAnne Whalen

Superstar Consultant


My Story

Ive been with Scentsy 1 year now and it has changed my life in so many ways. Currently it has been helping me to put my sweet 4 year old daughter in karate and she is excelling in that and I am so very proud of her ! It also helps so that I can take her to do many things that I wouldnt have been able to without the extra income such as aquarium trips, zoo trips, mini vacations and really what ever her little heart desires to do. It has been so wonderful this past year being able to do so many amazing things with her and it wouldnt be possible without all of you, so thank you and If you have any questions please feel free to contact me I would love to help you find the perfect Scentsy products that fit you and your home !

What's warming in my home